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Bringing It Home – The Saint Rose Blog

Tag: dorm

How to WIN at Door Decorating Contests

This year in the Lima Hall Door Decorating Contest, the fourth floor SLAYED. My roommate and I won for our floor, and our next door neighbors took the prize for the whole building! Here’s a picture of my door: It was actually super easy to make, too– just took a little bit of time. It was a nice distraction from my homework…

What’s THAT supposed to mean??

Each country, region, and town has its own “lingo” that only the locals understand. Saint Rose is no exception. Here are some of the most commonly heard acronyms on campus: Bru- Brubacher Hall– one of our two freshman dorms CDTA- Capital District Transit Authority– our bus system in Albany, which Saint Rose students use for FREE! CCIM- William Randolph Herarst…
