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Bringing It Home – The Saint Rose Blog

Tag: future

On The Hunt… for Jobs!

Something all college students have in common is this singular thought: “WHAT AM I DOING AFTER COLLEGE EEEK!” Don’t deny it, you know you’ve thought it. And that’s (from what I’ve been told) a completely rational thought to have when in college, and in life in general. We’re all scared about the future; whether it be about our career, our…

A New Academic Year

Hello, Everyone, and welcome to the new Academic Year! Who’s excited? I know I am! Now, raise your hand if you’re scared out of your mind. Did yours go up? I know mine did. I know what you’re thinking – I’m one of the cheeriest, most excited people on campus. What do I have to be scared of? Plus, I’m…

Is Saint Rose right for you?

As a tour guide and 2-time Orientation Leader, I’ve answered hundreds of questions about life at Saint Rose, my experiences, and college life in general. Lately, upon hearing that I am graduating in May, they have asked what are your plans for next year? It’s been about 4 years since I received my acceptance letter from Saint Rose and time…
