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New Beginnings – RA Training and Reflecting about the Future

Hello, everyone! And welcome back to Campus! Us RA’s, we’ve been here for quite a while, and let me tell you, we’ve had a ton of fun. As a senior, this training has been slightly bittersweet; I am very excited to begin this semester as a “normal” student again (AKA not student teaching), but at the same time want this time to go as slowly as possible. I am excited to graduate, but I can definitely wait to graduate. In short, I am conflicted

New Bulletin Board for the new year - "You've Cat to be Kitten me right Meow - We're Back?"  Photo taken by Genevieve Diller

New Bulletin Board for the new year – “You’ve Cat to be Kitten me right Meow – We’re Back?”
Photo taken by Genevieve Diller

As a Resident Assistant at Saint Rose, I am lucky enough to be surrounded by a group of amazing people. The friendships and connections I’ve made in this past year have been unbelievable, and at times I still cannot believe that I was lucky enough to be selected to be a RA. The RA’s in my Zone in particular have become my family, and I consider myself lucky to be associated with them. Without this position, I would never have gotten as close to these people or even have known these people. To leave them at all or to be separated from some of these people (since some of them are graduating and moving on to different colleges/jobs) makes my heart hurt. However, this is a part of growing up, and is inevitable. I am treasuring the time I have left with these people and making sure I make each moment last as much as possible.

The majority of the Residence Life Staff at The College of Saint Rose, Spring 2014.  Photo Taken by Matthew Ramirez.

The majority of the Residence Life Staff at The College of Saint Rose, Spring 2014.
Photo Taken by Matthew Ramirez.

As for myself, I am conflicted about the future. I think every senior and recent graduate from college (especially St. Rose) can understand where I’m coming from; I’m loving my life here, and I don’t want anything to change or for my friends to leave. This entire training has brought me closer to my Res Life family, and I don’t want it to change at all. I know that all good things must come to an end, but does it really have to? Can’t we all just stunt our growth at college and stay here forever? Of course the answer is no, but I can dream, can’t I?

And, to top it all off, in four months I am supposed to go into the “real world,” find a job, and start having a life. However, I still feel like I am mentally twelve years old, so I don’t see how I am going to be able to do this. Could I handle getting an apartment, or becoming a real teacher, or even balancing a checkbook? Rationally, I know I can, but emotionally at the moment, I just want to go crawl into my bed at home and snuggle my mom and my cats. Growing up is hard. 

As I was reflecting on all of this and honestly having an anxiety attack about the future (if you haven’t yet, you will soon enough), I was fortunate to watch some Dr. Who and come across a very wise quote:

“…we all change. When you think about it, we are all different people, all through our lives and that’s okay, that’s good! You’ve gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, I swear.”

We all change. This is true. We are not the same person that we were ten years ago, let alone four! However, I love the twenty-two version of myself. I’ve lived and learned quite a lot during my time at Saint Rose, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. So, as I move forward and enter the “real world,” I will continue to change. I will continue to grow and become a better person than I was yesterday. However, I will not forget who I was. I will not forget one line of my time as an Undergraduate at Saint Rose. I will cherish this time that I have and remember this part of my life warmly.

And, as I move forward with my life, I will remember that I will always be connected to my Residence Life family and my Saint Rose family. The closing ceremony for RA Training helped me visualize this connection, and it was a fun way to wrap up this wonderful period of time. I hope that my fellow RA’s enjoyed this time as much as I did, and I look forward to furthering the community in my house!

The Closing Ceremony for RA Training Spring 2014 - throwing a ball of yarn to each RA and asking them to sum up training in one word!  Photo taken by Marinel Martinez

The Closing Ceremony for RA Training Spring 2014 – throwing a ball of yarn to each RA and asking them to sum up training in one word!
Photo taken by Marinel Martinez

Have a great first week of classes, Saint Rose! Best Wishes!

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