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Bringing It Home – The Saint Rose Blog

Author: Irene Kim

A Day in the Life of A Grad Student: Jacquelyn Wertel G’21

Jacquelyn Wertel G’21 is in her second year of Saint Rose’s graduate program in school psychology. As a full-time student in the program, she’s on track to earn an M.S.Ed. and certificate of advanced study (CAS) in three years. The rigorous program can lead to a career working with children who need additional academic, behavioral, and emotional support within a…

Saint Rose Flute Day: October 5, 2019

On October 5, you’re invited to hear some wonderful flute playing. Flutists of all ages, ability levels, and experience will gather at Saint Rose for the fifth annual Flute Day — a great opportunity for flute players to learn and play together. Guest artist, world-renowned flutist and composer Gary Shocker, will conduct master classes and perform a full recital. Flute…

books on a bookshelf

Our Faculty Share Their Summer Reads

When we asked a few of our faculty members what they’re reading outside of the classroom, we weren’t surprised to hear that many had their noses buried in books related to their field of expertise – but we were glad to find that a few were reading something a little different, too. Zumrut Akcam-Kibis, computer science Reading: “Sapiens,” by Yuval Noah…


International Students at Saint Rose: Meet Isa Vara de Rey ’19 of Spain

We sat down with a few of our international students, who joined us from a variety of countries around the world. They shared their thoughts on Albany and the area, what they like about being here and what they miss about home, and their best advice to their peers for settling into their new home at Saint Rose. Isa Vara…

International Students at Saint Rose: Meet Ridina Shakya G’19 of Nepal

We sat down with a few of our international graduate students, who joined us from a variety of countries around the world. They shared their thoughts on Albany and the area, what they like about being here and what they miss about home, and their best advice to their peers for settling into their new home at Saint Rose.  …
