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Tag: graduation

Pre-Graduation Shock + Transition Theory = Figuring It All Out!

If you work in the field of Higher Ed or have ever transferred from one college to another, you are probably familiar with the term ‘transfer shock’.  Transfer shock refers to the uncertainty, anxiety, and challenges experienced while transitioning from an environment you’ve grown comfortable and successful in to an environment you must suddenly adjust to all over again.  I…

So What’s Next

Being a senior I have heard this question SO MANY TIMES, so, “What’s next for you?” Honestly, I am not sure what’s going to happen. This day and age you have to cross every T and dot every I to make sure you are marketable. I constantly have to prepare myself for “the real world.” There are so many questions…

High Five

I will be graduating in five weeks. I will be graduating in FIVE WEEKS! Graduation still seems like this distant, unattainable aspiration. Then, I realize that in just a few short weeks I will graduate from college. I am going to be a college graduate. Wow! Before I begin the premature celebration, there are a lot of things that I…
