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Bringing It Home – The Saint Rose Blog

Tag: travel


The Warner Bros. Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter is located in Leavesden, around 18 miles away from central London. The Slytherin, Muggleborn- Potterhead that I am found it a necessity to make this pilgrimage. On Sunday February 1st, fellow Saint Rose student, Scott Carpenter, and I spent the day with other students on a full day Harry Potter themed…

Adjusting Abroad

Hello world! My name is Nick Negron. I’m studying abroad at Regents University in London for the semester. I felt as if blogging would be a great way to record my journey, while keeping family and friends in the loop. As I’m writing, I’ve been in Europe for a little over a week now. To be honest, the notion that…

Homeward Bound

Hello again, lovely people on the internet! Today I want to talk about home. With Columbus Day on Monday, lots of my friends are homeward bound for the weekend. I actually just arrived back here on campus yesterday morning, so now I’m a total pro at travelling home. Here are some fab tips to improve your journey home experience: 1.) Make…

A Second Lesson in Cultural Adaptation

It appears my place in life is to be harangued by bus drivers in front of my students!  Yesterday class met at 9 a.m., with the primary goal to practice following the yellow arrows that show you “the way” as you walk.  As a group we followed the Camino through Burgos, ending behind the Cathedral.  Students took on new conversation…
